Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Our first stitches in the Mcrae family

We had to take Xander to Urgent Care. So glad Josh had not gone to his meeting yet. I don't do well when My babies get hurt. Josh and I were in the other room when we hear a cry so I go in to check and Xander was on the ground by our bookcases crying I just picked him up and really didn't look at his head I was just loving on him. Josh comes in and He saw that he was bleeding when we got it stopped enough to look at we could see good size cut on his head which was pretty deep above his eyebrow. So off we went. He really was a trooper we had to hold him down to get the stitches. Hadli was with us and she was trying to singing to him to keep him happy. She loves her brother. He cried but stooped when it was all over. When we got home it was like nothing happened he was just a little happy boy like always. I am just grateful that is all that happened. He is one and already have stitches. I will post pictures tomorrow.